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Seniors Can Benefit from Dance Classes

Posted January 21, 2019 • Experts agree that with a doctor’s approval, elderly adults can benefit from regular exercise. However, many aging adults don’t like to do it. To improve their health, strength, and balance, it’s important that seniors do something to get their bodies moving. Many seniors are finding that elderly dance classes are a wonderful way to get some exercise in, and they can socialize and have fun in the process. Family caregivers with elderly adults should investigate the benefits of dance classes for...

Solutions for Living at Home Transportation

Posted January 15, 2019 • Solutions for Living at Home offers transportation for clients with the assistance of a Solutions Partner.

In-Home Care and Seniors with COPD

Posted January 15, 2019 • When your aging mom or dad is diagnosed with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it can feel overwhelming and frightening. It means that you both need to take a good look at the living situation and make some decisions about your aging parent’s daily care. COPD can have a significant effect on an aging adult’s ability to live independently, often requiring in-home care provider services and extra attention from a family caregiver.

Why Elder Care Providers for Seniors a Good Idea

Posted January 10, 2019 • Across the country, millions of senior citizens struggle to live on their own, independent of help from others. Numerous health issues often prevent them from being able to complete important and necessary tasks related to health and safety. Family members often worry about their aging relatives and try to help when possible. However, due to their own responsibilities, they can’t always be with their aging loved one when needed.

Brainstorming Activities for Homebound Seniors

Posted January 1, 2019 • There’s only so much television that seniors want to watch before they grow irritable, restless and isolated. Even having a home care provider come to assist your elderly relative every day doesn’t mean they won’t get bored from time to time. If you want to ensure your aging loved one stays active and engaged, make plans for indoor age-appropriate activities that meet their needs. With some careful planning and help from their home care provider, your aging loved one can choose from a number of...

What to Expect in the The Final Stages of Parkinson’s Disease

Posted December 27, 2018 • There’s only so much television that seniors want to watch before they grow irritable, restless and isolated. Even having a home care provider come to assist your elderly relative every day doesn’t mean they won’t get bored from time to time. If you want to ensure your aging loved one stays active and engaged, make plans for indoor age-appropriate activities that meet their needs. With some careful planning and help from their home care provider, your aging loved one can choose from a number of...

When Caregivers Compete: Keeping the Family Cohesive

Posted December 18, 2018 • If there’s anything harder than being a caregiver, it’s sharing caregiver duties with other family members, like siblings. It’s pretty rare for family members to see eye to eye on every aspect of caregiving, which can lead to conflict. They may disagree about the kind of care that is needed or struggle with finding a fair balance. If you’re struggling to keep the peace with your fellow family caregivers, below are some tips to help you work better together and prevent arguments

Preventing Electrical Fires in Seniors’ Homes

Posted December 12, 2018 • Each year, there are around 24,000 electrical fires in houses around the country. In 7 percent of those fires, someone is injured. 11 percent result in a death. The highest number of electrical fires occur during the months of December and January. This is probably because more people are using electrical appliances to heat their homes and holiday lights. No one likes to think about a fire occurring in the home of an older family member, but there are ways you can help them to prevent...

Don’t Forget About Your Elderly Relative’s Post-Surgery Care

Posted December 4, 2018 • With old age comes a range of physical ailments and chronic conditions that often need surgery to correct. It’s common for seniors to have surgery for health issues such as cataracts, varicose vein removal, joint replacement, cancerous tumor removal, spine surgery, gallbladder and ulcers. While the surgeries can often help with the elderly adult’s medical issues, recovery can present its own set of challenges. Many elderly adults need help from family caregivers and home care providers during...

Make the Holidays Extra Special for Aging Adults

Posted November 27, 2018 • Holidays and celebrations build memories for a lifetime, no matter how old you are. However, many elderly adults struggle at this time of year due to conflicting feelings about the past and the future. Seniors face much bigger challenges in creating, hosting or even attending holiday celebrations due to physical or mental health issues.